Top researchers from around the world are participating in the 9th International Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium in London in May 2019.
Invest in ME Research is pleased to welcome back Dr Ingrid Rekeland, Professor Karl Johan Tronstad and Dr Øystein Fluge
to participate in the #BRMEC9 Colloquium and #IIMEC14 conference.
The research centre in Bergen has been a focal point for raising hopes of finding treatments for ME since the discovery that an ME patient who was being treated for B-cell lymphoma had improved following their treatment with Rituximab.
Although the trial proved to be negative it was carried out with great professionalism and set a standard for others to follow.
Professor Tronstad returns to London for the second time. Karl was involved with the 2016 paper from Bergen - Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight.
The Tronstad Lab investigates
cell metabolism and mitochondrial biology and we are very fortunate that he can spare time to participate in the Colloquium.
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Last Update 12/01/2019