Another Great Biomedical Research Colloquium BRMEC10

2 - 3 June 2021

Ten years of bringing international researchers together

BRMEC10 - Ten Years of Forming International Collaboration

The 10th Biomedical Research into ME Research Colloquium is taking place on 2 - 3 June 2021.

As mentioned previously (see here) due to the situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and the constraints of the pandemic and the disruption caused to research and schedules then Invest in ME Research has decided that it is not possible to stage a physical event in London, as has been the case for all previous Colloquiums.

However, we will still arrange for a two-day virtual international research meeting.
More information is given below and will be augmented over the next weeks.

Participants at #BRMEC10

We again hope to have representation from most of the main biomedical research initiatives occurring throughout the world who had previously accepted invitations and had planned to come to London for May 2021.

More details here


Bringing together researchers from around the world to bring new ideas to ME research and review implications on research from long covid

Last Update February 2021