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B-cell Research/UK Rituximab Clinical Trial

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Invest in ME Research has created a separate strand to our Biomedical Research Fund which is explicitly used for the UK rituximab trial and asscociated B-cell research.

The progress bar to the right shows the current status of that fund.
It includes all donations and pledges of funding.

The total funding requirement for this trial was initially set at £350,000 with the caveat that this would be refined as we progressed the project and as the preliminary study began at UCL.

In fact, after an impressive campaign lasting a year, in August 2014 Invest in ME Research secured the initial target amount of £350,000.

This was a daunting task but not one that the charity had thought impossible to achieve.

IiMER's supporters rose to the challenge with positive campaigns which raised funds and awareness.

In order to build a trials protocol and identify likely responders the preliminary B-cell study has been underway at UCL. This was intended to lead to the clinical trial.

In order to continue B-cell study research in ME, and as part of the overall research portfolio that Invest in ME Research has with UCL, we committed ourselves to fund a new PhD studentship at UCL beginning in 2015. This would augment the proposed rituximab clinical trial, would secure the longer term research into ME and would continue the relationship which IiMER has built up with UCL [click here].

If you can support us in any way - by fundraising, by spreading word of this, by simply letting us know that you support us in this effort then we welcome that support.

Donation Options

A Strategy for Research, Treatment and Advocacy for ME

Invest in ME Research has been facilitating research collaboration between individuals and organisations and are funding major research in the UK.
The charity's success in arranging fifteen annual international biomedical research conferences and ten international biomedical research colloquiums and initiating an international young/early career research network demonstrates its determination and commitment to find a cause or causes for this devastating disease.

IiMER has European connections and originated and facilitated the formation of the European ME Research Group (EMERG) and and the European ME Clinicians Council (EMECC) and facilitates collaborative links to other researchers and institutes in Europe and Australia and USA.

The foundations are already in place to advance science and provide the promise of better treatment and possible restoration of function and lives back to a section of the community who have received very little help in the past.

Please help us to find the cause of this disease and develop effective treatments to permit patients to regain their lives.

Please Support Us

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