by Joanna Latimer PhD
Programme Manager
Neurosciences & Mental Health Board
Medical Research Council
20 Park Crescent

The Medical Research Council (MRC) is a
publicly-funded organisation dedicated to improving human health. We
support research across the entire spectrum of medical sciences, in
UK universities and hospitals and in our own units and institutes.
The MRC welcomes high-quality applications for support into any
aspect of human health from research into the basic aspects of
disease through to early stage clinical trials which are generally
received in ‘response-mode’. All applications are judged in open
competition with other demands on funding and awards are made
according to scientific quality following rigorous peer review by
other experts in the field.
In May 2003 the MRC published a research strategy for
CFS/ME developed by an independent scientific Research Advisory
Group. The Group made a number of recommendations, including that in
the short term the research community should be encouraged to
develop high quality research proposals addressing case definition,
understanding of the symptoms of CFS/ME, and new approaches to
disease management. As a result, CFS/ME has been highlighted as a
strategic priority for the MRC.
Since issuing this highlight notice we have seen a
small increase in the number of applications received, and the ratio
of awarded CFS/ME applications to those submitted is in line with
that seen for other disease areas. As with all applications,
decisions to accept or decline proposals are made on the grounds of
scientific quality and whether the research proposed would be likely
to inform the knowledge base. It should be emphasised that all
applications are judged in open competition, and support of existing
research in any area does not preclude funds being available for
other proposals that meet the scientific standards set by our peer
review system.
The MRC recognises that CFS/ME is a complex condition
and that more research needs to be done in this area. For example,
in November 2006 the MRC and the charity Action for M.E. hosted a
scientific workshop to identify opportunities for biomedical
research into CFS/ME. The programme included presentations on the
funder’s and patients’ perspective, as well as an overview of UK and
worldwide research. The meeting generated a number of ideas for
future research into a diverse range of topics, from the
relationship between CFS/ME and sleep to biological markers
including neurological factors, definitions of sub-groups, and a
longitudinal study of children. A number of proposals for pilot
studies have since been formulated and are under consideration for
The MRC remains committed to funding scientific
research into all aspects of CFS/ME including studies into the
biological basis of the condition and evaluations of treatment
options. In order to further stimulate research into CFS/ME, and in
particular focussing on the causes of the condition, MRC is planning
to set up an inter-disciplinary panel that will review the current
research in the area and identify research opportunities. We hope
that this will encourage new research towards understanding the
aetiology and subtypes of CFS/ME and lead to an advancement of
knowledge in this field and the development of new therapeutic
For more information on the MRC and CFS/ME, visit